Determine the average mailbox size using PowerShell
I have been asked to provide a colleague with some statistics around our Exchange environment, including the average mailbox size. There is no way to determine this using the GUI so once again PowerShell comes to the rescue with…

Count the number of mailboxes using PowerShell
If you need a quick and easy way to count the number of mailboxes in your Exchange environment then you can use the Get-Mailbox cmdlet: (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited).Count
Determine whether a user has an online archive using PowerShell
A user posted a question on Windows 2012 Forums asking if it is possible to determine whether or not a user has an online archive using PowerShell. This is indeed possible, and here is how: $Mailbox = Get-Mailbox user@yourdomain.com $Mailbox.ArchiveDatabase…

Determine if a mailbox is a linked mailbox using PowerShell
If you need to determine whether a mailbox is a linked mailbox using PowerShell you can achieve this with the Get-Mailbox cmdlet: $Mailbox = Get-Mailbox user@domain.com $Mailbox.RecipientTypeDetails

List all online archives and their total size in PowerShell
Ever wondered how much space individual online archives were occupying? Me too, so I decided to generate a list using the Get-MailboxStatistics PowerShell command. Here is the command I used to obtain the details and format the table to list…