Download Address Book in Outlook generates error 0x80190197
Users at a new remote site have reported that they are unable to download the offline address book (OAB) in Outlook as it generates an error: Task ‘’ reported error (0x80190197) : ‘An unexpected error has occurred.’ The Exchange environment…

Exchange 2010 – The user has insufficient access rights when deleting a mailbox
While attempting to remove an old user mailbox from an Exchange 2010 environment (using the EMC) I encountered an access denied error: Error: Active Directory operation failed on <domain controller>. this error is not retriable. Additional information: Access is denied….

Update the Offline Address Book
By default the Offline Address Book (OAB) in Exchange 2010 only gets rebuilt every 24 hours. Also, Outlook clients only download the OAB once every 24 hours so it can seem like days before new entries are visible to end…
View the members of a Dynamic Distribution Group using PowerShell
If you need to preview the members of a Dynamic Distribution Group then you can do this easily using the Get-Recipient and Get-DynamicDistributionGroup cmdlets. The following example returns the list of members in the “Newport Users” DDG: $DDG = Get-DynamicDistributionGroup…
Create a Dynamic Distribution Group by Office
Using the Exchange Management Console in Exchange 2010 to create a Dynamic Distribution Group only allows for a limited number of conditions, such as State, Department or Company. As is often the case PowerShell is the way to get around this….
Enable SMTP logging in Exchange 2010
By default logging is disabled for the SMTP protocol. I need to enable it for troubleshooting so here is how to do that using the EMC (Exchange Management Console): Open EMC Navigate to Microsoft Exchange On-Premises -> Server Configuration ->…
Export Recoverable Deleted Items folder to a PST file
Today I had a user ask to restore some deleted messages from a mailbox. They were unable to see the messages anywhere in the mailbox, including the Deleted Items folder. To find out whether the messages were available to recover…
Export messages from a mailbox that were sent or received on or after a specific date
I have a requirement to export all messages from an Exchange mailbox that were sent or received after a specific date to a PST file. This was easy to achieve using the New-MailboxExportRequest cmdlet and specifying the dates within the…