Query the message tracking log using PowerShell
Using the Tracking Log Explorer GUI is fine for checking whether messages were sent or received but there is no way to export the results to a file. That’s where the Get-MessageTrackingLog PowerShell command comes in, combined with the Export-CSV cmdlet.
This example will return all of the messages sent to the specified user in the specified time frame, and export it to a CSV file:
Get-MessageTrackingLog –Recipient “dave@webbworld.local” –Server “WW-EX01” –EventID “RECEIVE” -Start “03/13/2010 09:00:00” -End “03/15/2010 17:00:00” | Export-CSV C:\TrackingLog1.CSV
This example will return all of the messages sent by the specified user in the specified time frame, and export it to a CSV file:
Get-MessageTrackingLog –Sender “dave@webbworld.local” –Server “WW-EX01” –EventID “SEND” -Start “03/13/2010 09:00:00” -End “03/15/2010 17:00:00” | Export-CSV C:\TrackingLog2.CSV